Ibm Usb Serial Parallel Adapter 22P9036

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9068-A01 IBM Multi-Purpose Passbook Printer Model A01

Optional adapter tip for use with SIIG Universal AC Power Adapter - 90W (AC-PW0012-S1) and Universal DC Power Adapter - 90W (AC-PW0612-S1) Fits variety of IBM/Lenovo laptop computers (see Specifications). 2017 11:11 pm WTB: Wireless Lenovo Usb Serial Port Driver favorite share Flag this item for Graphic Violence Graphic Sexual Content Spam, Scam or Fraud Broken or Empty Data textsIBM USB Serial/Parallel Adapter by IBM.

IBM Europe Sales Manual
Revised: January 29, 2015.

Table of contents
Product life cycle datesPublications
DescriptionMachine elements
Technical description

Product life cycle dates
Type ModelAnnouncedAvailableMarketing WithdrawnService Discontinued
9068-A01 2000/08/222000/08/29 - -

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The IBM 9068 Multi-Purpose Passbook Printer is a 24-wire compactdesktop printer for the Financial Services Industry that offers improvedfunctions, performance, and usability. The 9068 prints on a variety ofprint media with a variety of sizes and thicknesses commonly used infinancial institutions.

Model abstract 9068-A01

The IBM 9068 Model A01 supports IBM 4722/4748 compatible data stream.The Model A01 has a one year warranty period, RS232/parallel/USBattachment port, 330 cps print speed, and <54dB noise level.
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    The Multi-Purpose Passbook Printer Models A01 gives you just abouteverything their preceding models had, plus better performance andadditional flexibility. If you currently use a printer that the A01emulates, you can simply replace it with the Multi-Purpose PassbookPrinter Model A01.

    The Basics

    This 24-wire, impact printer (with its throughput capabilities,reliable trouble-free operation, and easy-to-use interface) is theultimate passbook and document printer. The Multi-Purpose PassbookPrinter prints on passbooks, slips, checks, multi-part cutforms,envelopes in all sizes and weights, and more. Its sophisticated paperhandling frees operators from such things as aligning documents andadjusting for paper thickness so they can focus on what's important --your customer.

    Plus Higher Performance

    The Multi-Purpose Passbook Printer is faster, quieter, smaller, andlighter than its predecessors. It prints at 330 cps. That's one of thehighest print throughputs in the industry. Its long-life ink ribbon --2.5 times more characters than earlier models -- lasts up to six monthsand the unit is surprisingly quiet, at less than 54 dB (even lower thanearlier models). Who says bigger is better? The Multi-Purpose PassbookPrinter can fit in more corners, with less effort, because it's smallerand weighs less than previous models.

    And More Options

    With the Multi-Purpose Passbook Printer, you'll have more freedom inselecting the attachment port that suits your needs and a greater rangeof software solutions to choose from. The Passbook Printer can beattached to IBM PC and NetVista system units via serial RS232, parallel,or Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports. The addition of Olivetti PR2emulation enhances the printer's compatibility with most of the popularturnkey software packages on the market today.

    The IBM Multi-Purpose Passbook Printer Models A01 offers the ultimatein functions and features so that financial institutions can improve theproductivity of their operators in providing face to face service totheir customers. The product is very flexible when it comes toconfiguring workstations in terms of attachment methods, applicationprogramming, physical layout, and scalability. This allows the financialinstitution to construct the optimum solution for their branch deliverychannel.

    The high-speed print mechanism, with burst print speed of 330 cps at10 cpi, combined with logic-seeking printer control, delivers one of thehighest print throughputs of passbook printers in the industry. Thiscapability substantially reduces the time required for the operator towait for the print operation to complete and allows the operator to makeefficient use of their time.

    The long life (10 million characters) of the ink ribbon cartridgerequires less frequent interruption of the print operation for ribboncartridge replacement and therefore, improves the availability of theprinter. This also helps reduce the cost of ownership.

    The sophisticated paper-handling capability of the printer freesoperators from such things as aligning documents, adjusting for paperthickness, and positioning the paper for proper print registration. Thisrequires less skills on the part of the operator in performing printingtasks and allows operators to concentrate on the processing oftransactions. This capability also lets financial institutions cut thecost of hiring skilled operators, or training unskilled operators.

    The quiet operation (less than 54 dB) of the printer provides a betterwork environment for the operator and will not interrupt a conversationin carrying out sales or consultations.

    The compact size of the Model A01 gives you greater flexibility in thelayout of components within the operator's workstation. The printer'sability to hold light objects on top, combined with the compact size ofthe printer (that includes the integrated power unit), uses less spacethan was previously required when using similar products.

    In addition to the emulation of IBM passbook printers, the Model A01supports emulation of IBM PC printers such as the Proprinter X24, andselected non-IBM passbook printers such as the Olivetti PR2. The supportof emulations, both IBM and non-IBM, allows the Model A01 to be used withmost of the popular turnkey software packages, thereby giving you morefreedom when it comes to selecting software solutions.

    You may choose one of three attachment ports: serial RS232, parallelCentronics, and the Universal Serial Bus (USB). This gives you morefreedom in the configuration of a workstation and also provides amigration path from one attachment to another. Only one port is activeat a given time. Model A01 shipped before December 22, 2000, are notequipped with a USB port. To ensure inclusion of an USB port in theprinter, specify FN 3003 in the order.

    The optional built-in Read Encode Magnetic Stripe (REMS) feature, FN4905, reduces the operator's need to hand-swipe passbooks through amagnetic stripe reader. It also reduces the error rate of printinginformation on a wrong passbook.

    The REMS feature is used to obtain essential account information, suchas account number, from the magnetic stripe of a passbook. The dataobtained is typically used to communicate with the host system inupdating the master database for that account as a result of transactionprocessed at the branch. Errors usually occur when a separate hand-swipemagnetic stripe reader unit is used because the integrity of passbookoperation depends heavily on operator precaution while handling thepassbook. Chances exist where a passbook from which the magnetic stripedata is read may not be the same passbook that was inserted into theprinter for printing. A built-in REMS feature on the Model A01eliminates this possibility.

    The Model A01 can be used to print on a variety of print mediaincluding passbooks, slips, checks, multi-part cutforms, and envelopes.It handles a wide range of print media size and thickness commonly usedby financial institutions.

    The Model A01 protects your investment in application programming bykeeping datastream and commands upwardly compatible with the IBM 4722 andits IBM compatibles. The Model A01 can be operated under applicationprograms written for these printers without modification orrecompilation. Customers currently using the 4722 printers can enjoy theenhanced capabilities of the Models A01 by replacing them with the ModelA01. If you have a limited budget, this lets you plan smooth and gradualmigration without investing additional money on existing programming.Minor limitations do exist. The Planning and ProgrammingGuide should be consulted for more details.

    The maximum load which can be placed on top of the Model A01 variesdepending on the size and shape of the object. However, IBM advises thatobjects exceeding 15 KG might have an adverse effect on the operation ofthe Model A01, and should be tested prior to installation.
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    Model summary matrix


    One IBM 9068 may be connected to a serial port, parallel port, or USBport of a PC. Multiple IBM 9068 may be connected to a PC with multipleserial ports or USB ports. Maximum number of serial ports supporteddepends on the device driver used to attach IBM 9068. When using thedevice driver provided by the feature 6000, maximum of eight 9068 (fourin DBCS Mode) can be attached to a system unit with OS/2 and maximum offour can be attached to a system unit with DOS, Windows NT, Windows 95,Windows 98, or Windows 2000. In any of the above cases, standard serialRS232 ports or USB ports must be available on the system unit to matchthe number of 9068.

    Customer setup (CSU)

    Model A01 is designated customer setup:

      Technical description
      Physical specificationsOperating environmentLimitations
      Hardware requirementsSoftware requirements

      Model A01 is a compact desktop passbook and cutform printer designedfor financial services environment. They have a 24-wire impact printhead which prints at burst speed of 330 characters per second at 10characters per inch in fast draft mode (60dpi) and 110 cps at 10 cpi inquality mode (120dpi).

      DBCS ModeDBCS Mode is for customers who require double byte character set support.It supports character pitches of 10, 12, 13.3, 15, and 18 cpi for singlebyte characters and 5, 6, 6.7, 7, 7.5 cpi for double byte characters.Line pitches supported are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.5, 8 lpi and incrementalspacing.

      The double byte character font available in DBCS Mode is for one ofthe following code page sets of each country. The font selection isdetermined by the country from which the order is loaded.

        Turbodemo enterprise 7.5 keygen.

        SBCS ModeSBCS Mode is a mode for customers who primarily uses alpha-numericcharacters. It supports character pitches of 10, 12, 15, and 17.1 cpiand variable pitch. Line pitches supported are 5, 6 lpi and incrementalspacing. The code pages supported are 437, 808, 813, 850, 851, 852, 855,857, 858, 860, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 872, 874, 876,877, 1116, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1257, and 1258.

        Media Specifications

        It can print on both vertical and horizontal fold passbooks withfollowing specifications.

        • Vertical fold (print line perpendicular to centerfold stitch)
          • Maximum thickness (cover closed): 2.0 mm
          • Total thickness (cover open): 0.20 - 1.8 mm
          • Cover thickness: 0.2 - 0.46 mm (max 0.35mm w/ mag)
          • Size w/o mag: 102 - 241 mm(W) x 99 - 210 mm(L)
          • Size w/ mag: 120 - 241 mm(W) x 99 - 210 mm(L)

        The cutform with size in the range, 66 - 241 mm(W) x 68.6 -711.2 mm(L)is supported with the thickness of 0.065 mm to 0.28 mm (single part) and0.15 mm to 0.432 mm (multipart). The printer allows multipart forms upto 6 parts.

        The printer has print span of 3 mm to 238 mm from the left edge withminimum distance from the top and bottom edge of a medium being 1.0 mmand 3.5 mm respectively and from left and right edge being 3.0 mm (forms< 355mm long). Envelopes with maximum width 241 mm and maximum length152.4 mm are supported for printing within the print span.


        Model A01 supports 8-bit ASCII data stream with ESX escape sequencefor DBCS Mode and ESC escape sequence for SBCS Mode. Both modes supportone of the following attachment to the system unit of a PC.

        • Width: 380 mm (15.0 in)
        • Depth: 313 mm (12.3 in)
        • Height: 185 mm ( 7.3 in)
        • Weight: 8.5 kg ( 19 lb)

        Operating environment

        • IBM DOS 5.0, or later
        • OS/2 2.0, or later
        • Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0
        • Windows 95 and 98
        • Windows 2000

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        No publications are shipped with the product.
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        Features - No chargeFeatures - Chargeable

        Features - No charge


        Models A01 are equipped with three types of attachmentports, serial, parallel, and USB. (Prior to the availability of USBattachment capability, Model A01 will be equipped with two type s ofattachment ports, serial and parallel. To ensure that Model A01 with USBport is shipped to an order, the specify code of USB Attachment FeatureFC 3003 should be specified. It should be noted, however, that this maycause the shipment to delay until the USB feature becomes available.) Byspecifying the attachment type, Model A01 will be shipped out with therespective attachment port activated. Only one communication port can beactivated at any given time.

        Ibm Usb Serial Parallel Adapter Part Number 22p9035

        If no specify code for selecting the attachment method is specified inthe order, the default setting is serial attachment.

        Power cord

        A 2.8m (9 ft) with the most common plug for the countrywill be provided with the machine - No specify required.

        Machine Nomenclature/Language Group

        The base machine operator panel is in English. Operator panel overlayis supplied in languages per the specify codes.

        VOLTAGE: A specify code is not required. Voltage/power will bedetermined by the plant based on the country code of the order. Thespecify codes listed below must be used when an alternative to the plantcountry default is required.

        Machine Nomenclature/Language Group

        The base machine operator panel is in English. Operator panel overlayis supplied in languages per the country default or specify codes. Nospecify is required to order the default options that are as follows:

        If your country is not listed above or other than the default optionis required, specify code is required.

        Features - Chargeable

        (#4905) Read Encode Magnetic Stripe (REMS)

        Integrated automatic read encode magnetic stripe function forpassbooks with horizontal magnetic stripes. Description:

        Four magnetic track positions are supported by this feature. The ReadEncode Magnetic Stripe feature is compatible with:

        • Maximum: 001.
        • Prerequisites: Serial or USB attachment via financeprinter device driver or device support code
        • Corequisites: None.
        • Compatibility Conflicts: None.
        • Customer Setup: No.
        • Limitations: Function not supported when attached to a PC viaparallel port.
        • Field Installable: No.

        (#5612) Parallel attachment cable

        Cable for attachment via the parallel interface Description: Adaptercable P/N 1525612, 1.8m (6 ft.) long.

        • Maximum: 999.
        • Prerequisites: None.
        • Corequisites: None.
        • Compatibility Conflicts: None.
        • Customer Setup: Yes.
        • Limitations: None.
        • Field Installable: Yes.

        (#6035) Serial Cable 6m 9-9pin

        Cable for attachment via the RS232 serial interface. Description:Shielded cable, 6m (19.5 ft.) long with 9 pin D-Sub connector at one endfor attachment to 9 pin serial port of a PC and 9 pin D-Sub connector atthe other end for connection to Model A01.

        • Maximum: 999.
        • Prerequisites: None.
        • Corequisites: None.
        • Compatibility Conflicts: None.
        • Customer Setup: Yes.
        • Limitations: None.
        • Field Installable: Yes.

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        Customer replacement parts

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        Machine elements
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        One ink ribbon cartridge is shipped with each machine; however, werecommend that customers order spare ink ribbon cartridges at time ofinitial machine order to ensure availability of spare cartridges whenneeded. Ink ribbon cartridges for Model A01 can be ordered through yourIBM authorized printer or supplies reseller. If you have no reseller,you can be directed to the closest one in your area by contacting yourpoint of purchase. (part number 07K4446).

        Supplemental media



        (R), (TM), * Trademark or registered trademark of InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation.

        ** Company, product, or service name may be a trademark or servicemark of others.

        Ibm Usb Serial Parallel Adapter 22p9036

        Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
        © IBM Corporation 2015.
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        When you troubleshoot issues with a serial or parallel hybrid device, there are some quick tests that you can complete to rule out potential problems. You can test to make sure that the following components are working correctly and are not the source of the issue:

        • Serial or parallel cables

        • Serial or parallel ports

        • Serial or parallel devices

        To test your setup components, try the following:

        • Use the serial or parallel cable, serial or parallel port, and serial or parallel device in another setup to see if the problem is with the components or the setup.

        • Use a different serial or parallel cable, serial or parallel port, and serial or parallel device in your setup to see if the problem persists. Ideally, you should test a component that you know works in another setup.

        When you test your cables, it is recommended that you do the following:

        • Test each cable individually.

        • Use short cables when you are testing.

        When you test the serial or parallel ports and serial or parallel device, it is recommended that you do the following:

        • Press the Windows key + R, type devmgmt.msc, and press Enter to open Device Manager. Check to see if your device is listed under Ports (COM & LPT).

        • Make sure that the COM or LPT port number is the correct number for the serial or parallel device and that the software being used to connect the computer to the serial or parallel device uses the correct COM or LPT port number.

        • If you do not see the COM or LPT port number in Device Manager see this FAQ for PCI/PCIe expansion cards:
          or this FAQ for USB devices:

        • If the device is listed with an error, follow the instructions on the website to reinstall the drivers.

        Note: Some serial devices work only if the COM or LPT port number is between a certain range. For example, COM1 to COM4 for serial and LPT1 and LPT2 for parallel.

        • Perform a serial loopback test. See this FAQ on how to perform a RS-232 serial loopback test:

        Note: There is not an equivalent loopback test that can be performed for parallel devices.