Simple Program In Vb6.0

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  1. Simple Program In Vb6.0

I want to run a batch program(.bat) through a Visual Basic 6.0 application and also want to print the output of the batch program(.bat) in the Visual Basic 6.0 application. I want to execute the dir command in the batch file so that VB6.0 application can print the output in a text box.

VB6.0 code:


In the above example 'first.bat' is batch file and containing the 'dir c:' command. Now VB6.0 app will run the first.bat and show the output of the 'dir c:' command in a text box.

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Simple Program In Vb6.0

Please also tell me that I can achieve this requirement means can VB6.0 application regain the control from batch program(.bat)?

Please help me with this.

Amit Raj
Amit RajAmit Raj

3 Answers

Your example is not a batch file, but if all you want to do is display the results of a command prompt's dir c: command in a textbox, then the following should work:

Disclaimer: The following is 'Air Code' and not tested for syntax

There are several variations and alternative ways to accomplish this, this is just a quick-and-dirty solution example.

Bill HilemanBill Hileman

Lots of simple ways to skin this cat, for example:

Simple Program In Vb6.0

Following is solution which worked for me:

I got this solution from the following link:Solution Link

Amit RajAmit Raj

Simple Program In Vb6.0

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